ICSA Wins the Lord King Match Race Trophy

The ICSA sailors defeated the visiting British sailors 2-1 in the 2019 Lord King Match Race.  The racing took place out of the US Naval Academy on Tuesday September 17 in two of the Academy's Navy 44s.  

As a courtesy to the visiting sailors, BUSA was given the option to choose either: Starboard entry for race one (and race three if necessary), or pick which of the Navy 44s to race in.  Seeing as the fleet of 44s are all equal, the savvy Brits chose starboard entry.  

The first race was sailed in a light easterly, just enough wind to fill massive blue and gold spinnakers.  Team ICSA entered from the pin roughly thirty seconds late, giving the initial advantage to our foreign friends, but ICSA came into the starting box with so much more speed that team BUSA was never able to touch them.  ICSA ran away with the race to earn their first point in a first to two point series.  

Race two started with a long lasting dial up after both teams entered.  Team ICSA from starboard entry managed to hold onto their controlling position for the entire pre-start and both boats were over early at go with ICSA a boat length closer to the starting line.  Initially it looked like ICSA was going to run away with the race again, however Team BUSA tacked away from what had been the advantaged side of the race course and sent it to the left corner.  In true Chesapeake Bay fashion, the breeze died to zero knots and then the northerly filled in from the left putting the Brits several boat lengths ahead where they remained for the rest of race two.  The series now at match point with both team tied 1-1.

Finally with enough breeze to actually make the Navy 44s move at a reasonable clip, the race started with another dial up, this time with BUSA on starboard.  Both boats were on the line at go with Team BUSA to leeward and no gap.  ICSA tacked away and BUSA allowed the split to happen in an attempt to minimize tacks in the 30,000 pound boats.  Team ICSA found some fresh breeze on the right side of the course and came into the windward mark a length and a half ahead.  ICSA kept their breeze clear and extended on the downwind. ICSA was in position to comfortably cover on the last beat and eventually cross the finish line ahead, securing the requisite two points and earning a victory for the Intercollegiate Sailing Association!

Sailing for team ICSA was Porter Killian (University of Pennsylvania), Cameron Feves (George Washington University) Bridget Groble (Old Dominion University) and five sailors from the Navy Offshore Team; Zach Krause, Christian Hoffman, Matt McClelland, Jonathan Hitt and Hayden Espericueta.  

The current standings are BUSA 2 wins, to ICSA's 1 win. Team ICSA will need to win the remaining two events in order to win the overall tour.  Stay tuned as Team BUSA returns to Navy on Wednesday September 18 for the next stop on their journey, the 3v3 laser team race for the Performance Sailcraft Trophy.